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Yesterday in the studios of Radio Isango Star, both politicians and journalists gathered to assess the mindset changes that Rwandans have achieved  after 20 years after the end of the genocide and the liberation struggle  of Rwanda. Hon Tito Rutaremara who was invited as the RPF representative,  explained that Rwanda as a nation has overcome different hindrances it encountered after the RPF (Rwanda Patriotic Front) liberated the nation in 1994-1995.

Hon Tito Rutaremara
Hon Tito Rutaremara

In the show aired in the studios of Isango Star, Inkoramutima, Ishingiro, Isangano, and Izuba radio stations , were invited the Senator Tito Rutaremara, Dr Habineza Frank from the Green Party and the journalist Gonzagua Umuganwa.

Hon Rutaremara started by explaining the journey that led to the current social and economic progress, a journey that was full of challenges but that was overcame due to the commitment and determination of both political and military officials.

He said that the war for the liberation has been and continues to be long as it is multidimensional. It started with an idea against the dictatorship of the pre-genocide and the on-going genocide leading government, he said.

After overthrowing the regime  using armed forces,  we had to establish an interim government to manage the post war situation, Hon Tito Rutaremara added.

He said that after the liberation struggle, issues related  to justice, economy, and security became the issues to deal with at the beginning.

Concerning the level of understanding and of self-expression that Rwandans  have achieved, Hon Rutaremara agreed that the level has increased even though more is still to be done.

Dr Habineza Frank lauded the progress achieved in security issues where every Rwandan and foreigners feel secure in Rwanda after 20 years ago.

He however criticized the fact that some media houses don’t have the access to the adverts from the government based- institutions, which adverts are helpful to the economic advancement of the media houses, he said.

For Hon Rutaremara, the media houses should look for private sector partners to sponsor their activities rather than government-based institutions.

The government is more involved in political affairs than in economic and business issues, Hon Rutaremara revealed.

Gonzagua Muganwa wondered why the MPs don’t invite the Head of State and hear from him about the issues that are facing the nation.

For him, this is a political weakness that Rwanda should have overcame 20 years after the Liberation war.

Gonzagua said that Rwanda is among few  nations where the MPs do not contradict the  political positions of the Head of State about the on-going national issues. He said that this should change as to increase  democratic debates among political powers.

Gonzagua said that 30 per cent remains to be achieved as to reach the ideal level of well- being Rwandans deserve in different areas of national life.

Journalists asked why after the liberation struggle, some of the RPF leading figures have abandoned it. To this Hon Rutaremara responded that the RPF was and is still opened to whoever is willing to adhere to its political ideology.

Some of the ones who departed from the RPF denied the disciplinary measures taken against them as they were found guilty, he said, giving the example of the former President of the Parliament Sebarenzi Joseph who refused to be disciplined  and fled away.

Hon Rutaremara said that Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa was a senior military  officer but not  an RPF member. For Honorable Rutaremara the ones who are not willing to remain the members of the RDF and its led government  are free to choose for their own.

Dr Habineza Frank of Green Party
Dr Habineza Frank of Green Party, an opposition political party

Dr Habineza Frank advocated for an inclusive nationwide debate about the national political issues. He however refuted the involvement of the FDLR political and military led party that is willing to use weapons to overthrow the leading government.

Hon Rutaremara said that the democracy is not a unique and similar issue that every nation in the world is meant to adopt.

The democratic values are the most important aspects  to adopt and apply, Hon Rutaremara said .

For  the listeners, the journey remains too long to achieve the ideals of liberation as different economic challenges including remarkable unemployment rate are prevailing among the youth.

Hon Rutaremara explained that as Rwandans have security and safe working environment, the remaining challenges will be overcame in the future.

Another listener criticized the voting system whereby the system presents weaknesses in choosing the leaders. Hon Tito Rutaremara said that the Rwandan voting system is inclusive as it helps nationals to vote their representatives in the preliminaries, which eases the system and quickens the voting process.

The show was about assessing the advancement of the mindset of Rwandans 20 years after the Liberation struggle ended.


