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Rwanda peacekeepers serving under the African Union-United hybrid Mission in Darfur, Sudan (Rwanbatt 41) provided scholastic materials to the most vulnerable  orphaned pupils at Djugodjugo village. This was done during the holy month of Ramadan to share with the needy according to Muslim faith.


Rwandan soldiers providing scholastic materials to CAR children
Rwandan soldiers providing scholastic materials to S.Sudanese  children

The Peacekeepers provided 3,060 SDG (Sudanese currency) as annual payment of schools fees for 20 orphans, which was given to the school administration. They also provided school materials comprised of note books and pens for each orphan. The Peacekeepers  provided all the locals with potable water.

Maj Sam RUHARAZA who represented Rwanbatt 41 in the occasion conveyed the greetings and good will message from the Rwanda Peacekeepers.
Mr. Adam Ibrahim, the Djugodjugo UMDA (Local leader) and Mr. Fazil Muhamad Ahamad, Head Master of the School  thanked Rwanda peacekeepers for their usual assistance and promised close collaboration.

 Rwanbatt 41 also shared food worth $1000 to the most vulnerable in Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Abushouk, AL Salam and ZAMZAM IDP camp during Eid  Il-Fitri celebrations.
The celebrations were concluded by planting 100 trees around school premises to protect the environment.

Proud for the materials they received from Rwanda Peacekeepers
Proud for the materials they received from Rwanda Peacekeepers
Rwandan Peacekeepers provides clean water to locals
Rwandan Peacekeepers provides clean water to locals
The locals  are content to find out how Rwandan peacekeepers are taking care of them
The locals are content to find out how Rwandan peacekeepers are taking care of them


