It was in an general meeting of the Kamonyi district officials that the participants assessed the current rate of performance of the Imihigo contract. This evaluation has find that the employment rate has increased at an extent that 6000 people were provided with jobs.
The Mayor of Kamonyi district told journalists that many other infrastructures are being constructed including a modern market, an innovated district office, a health center among other facilities aimed at boosting the social and economic develoment of the district.
In his explanation of the success to achieve the employment related cases, Mayor Rutsinga said that the priority was to create job opportunities for as many people as possible.
This helped locals to get involved into income generating activities that employed others.
One of the locals, Mukansanga Soline, living in Rukambura cell, Musambira sector was delighted for the current situation whereby a health center is under construction in her neighborhood.
All of these infrastructures have helped the Kamonyi residents to obtain jobs that enabled them to live and improve their livelihoods.