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According the spokesperson of the RNP in the South Province, in Ngoma District a grenade has blasted and killed one child and wounded two others.

This is the map showing the area where the incident happened
This is the map showing the area where the incident happened

Chief Superintendent Hubert Gashagaza told UM– USEKE that those children were gathering wild woods in a forest located  nearby a local Institute of the profession training called IPRC-South.

One of the locals called Christopher Bazirubwoba confirmed the news, saying that he heard a grenade blasting in the nearby and went to see what happened.

He said that he saw a child after the incident laying down as without breathing. The child who died, according to the witnesses  checked the grenade trying to find out what it was and the grenade blasted, killing the child.

Chief Superintendent Hubert Gashagaza said that the Police investigating as to find out whether the grenade was not among the old ones that was left in the forests.

The current IPRC-South  campus is located in the site where the former military  school ESSO.

