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Prolonged sunny season has caused local people’s plantations to dry and this reduced the agriculture production. This resulted into a lack of food and money for them to pay the Mutuelle de Sante medical insurance..

Locals are wiling to pay the Mutuelle but encounter challenges related to reduced agriculture production
Locals are wiling to pay the Mutuelle but encounter challenges related to reduced agriculture production

One of the health officials in Kirehe district told UM– USEKE that statistics show that the number registered to have paid the Mutuelle de Sante has remarkably reduced.

The financial incomes that normally result from the selling of the harvest to the market have consequently reduced due to the reduction of the agriculture production, locals told UM– USEKE.RW.

Cyprien Ntahobatuye lives in Musaza sector told UM– USEKE reporter that normally locals have come to understand the importance of Mutuelle de Sante but as they intended to harvest a relatively huge production, the prolonged droughts caused the loose harvest to sell to market.

Local religious organisations came in help to them  as they mobilize them to keep paying the Mutuelle de Sante even if the situation is not easy for them.

One of the religious leaders told UM– USEKE that the religious organisation he represents pay the bills for  the neediest ones, but encourages others to try the best to pay the Mutuelle de Sante despite the challenges.

