The Gasabo Supreme Court has yesterday rejected the court’ appeal about the proposed temporary imprisonment of 30 days, an appeal proposed by the suspect jihadists who are undergoing the trial about the alleged involvement into terror activities in connection with the Islamic State.
The judge in chief rejected the claims according which Kayiranga Yahya and fellow ones don’t make part of any terror organization. One of co-accused who claims the same thing is Kalisa Seif.
Rutayisire Pamela told the court that the fact that she was arrested while heading to Syria does not necessarily means she was willing to join the ISIS, thus she has to be released, she told the court.
The judge reminded the accused that they have pledged guilty in front of the Police investigation department that they have attended and learnt extremist ideologies from the terror groups in order to embrace the jihad wars.
The prosecution added that the named Salim went to DRC to search for areas to practice wary activities but left the place after unforeseen circumstances.
The religious leader Sheikh Habimana Yassin said that the court would not try him due to the fact that he advised fellow religious leaders to avoid teaching heinous Islamic teachings.
As he concludes, the judge said that their appeal has to be rejected due to the fact that the preceding investigative research has shown that their suspects should be jailed as more facts prove them involved.
Consequently they are entitled to be jailed for 30 days before open judgement procedures start.