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The First Lady Jeannette Kagame has called the Rwandan youth composed of genocide survivors not be ashamed or hesitating about searching for psychological therapy as they are experiencing genocide related impacts. She said that as she was launching a Umbrella called ‘Youth Empowerment and Mentorship Programe’ during an event that took place on Saturday in Rwamagana district.

First Lady Jeannette Kagame addressing the youth in Rwamagana last Saturday
First Lady Jeannette Kagame addressing the youth in Rwamagana last Saturday

The event was attended by 200 male students from 41 universities who survived the genocide against ht Tutsis grouped in an organization called AERG , The motto of the event was called ‘Strong’ meaning all of them had to be strong as to face the daily  challenges.

 First Lady Jeannette Kagame who is the Chair person of the Imbuto Foundation told the youth to remember that their mental welfare is one of the pillars for success.

The Imbuto Foundation based experts will be assisting the youth survivors of the 1994 genocide throughout the psychological healing process that aims that enabling them to become more mentally fit and productive.

This session was only attended by males who had the motto of being strong and dignified.

The former ones were only attended by females, all sessions having the aim of enabling them to become more psychologically active and, therefore, produce more intellectually.

First Lady Jeannette Kagame thanked them for all they have able to achieve despite of the challenging living conditions.

Since 2007, the Imbuto Foundation conducts youth seminars aimed at helping them to receive more insights in different issues such as business promotion, psychological healing, social  integration through the promotion of gender equality among others.



200 young people gathered in Rwamagana to listen to the advises of the First Lady Jeannette Kagame
200 young people gathered in Rwamagana to listen to the advises of the First Lady Jeannette Kagame

