AfDB provided 41.5US$ to the the Ministry of Finance ,money reserved for different development and economic initiatives in Rwanda.
The team from AfDB to ld the Minister that the Bank appreciates the cooperation it nurtured with Rwanda in the name of Dr Donald Kaberuka,the team the Bank Manager, the team promised that the partnership between both sides will be strengthened.
The projects to sponsor include water sanitation across the nation, especially in Gifurwe in Rulindo District,one of the remote areas of Rwanda that suffers from water sanitation and electric installation.
According to AfDB, the aim of this amount of money is to help Rwanda achieve its EDPRS, Phase II.
Minister Gatete Clever of Economic Plan promised that this amount of money will be invested in the sectors they intend to be .
According to delegation ,AfDB is keen to help Rwanda achieve its 2020 socio-economic goals.