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Yesterday Ingabire Immaculee, the Transparency International Rwanda chief urged all concerned entities in the eradication of the Gender based violence to give priority to these GBV issues in juridical procedures because according to her, delaying to provide such support promotes impunity.

Ingabire Marie Immaculee
Ingabire Marie Immaculee

She said that during a joint meeting with the Ministry of family promotion with all stakeholders in the fight against the GBV that took place at La Palisse Hotel at Nyandungu.

Ingabire urged juridical entities to strongly pursue all suspected persons for having committed GBV because it spoils people’s lives and should  be eradicated.

As an  example, she said it is difficult for a worker in Bank  to be professionally upgraded  without being involved into a sexual intercourse with Bank senior officials.

For her, asking for tangible proofs from someone who is a victim of sexually based violence is mistreating him/her as the victim can’t  demonstrate such proofs of a crime that has been committed behind closed doors.

For the Police representative in the workshop SSP Rose Muhisoni, GBV cases are among the most complicated ones to find out real and tangible proofs.

During our investigations, we find out proofs that a GBV has been committed but once the case is brought to justice, it becomes complicated for the persecution and to judges to be  convinced  in the veracity of the testimonies of the victims.

The participants were eager to know what is being done currently as to stop the human trafficking activities that are likely to flourish in Rwanda.

To this SSP Muhisoni told the gathering that victims do not provide information on these cases.

Victims are not providing tangible information on the situation they are facing, she told the meeting.

Due to the fact that the victims are in between 16 and 18 years old, it becomes hard to get information on the situation they are facing, said SSP Muhisoni.

The workshop participants mentioned other crimes against human rights  that deserve eradication including porn related behaviors or activities and public nude dancing in clubs called Ibimansuro, among others.

