The young person named Mubano Clement; 31 years old normally living in Kacyiru Sector, Kibaza Cell in Mutako neighborhood has been kidnapped five days ago by people who request one million Rwf to release him.
The young person went to watch the Football match that opposed the Liverpool and Chelsea last week Sunday evening but he did not return back. His family members were worried about the misfortune that befell him and started the search with the Police.
His brother Muhire Bertin and some of his close friends told UM– USEKE that Muhire attended the Christian meeting in the morning especially that he is a choir singer in the La Fraternité Choir in the neighborhood.
Bertin Muhire told UM– USEKE that after waiting for him for a long period of time in vain they called one of the brothers asking whether he knew whether he was with Muhire but this one denied.
One of the close friends of the kidnapped responded the unknown phone call and someone requested them for a million Rwandan francs to release him.
Clement Mubano who was kidnapped told one of these friends that he was kidnapped and by people who want one million cash as to release him.
He also added that he has been called by a woman (anonymous one) to come and reach her in the town and then talk about a partnership to set up a pharmacy somewhere.
After reaching there he was kidnapped by a man who was besides the lady and brought him in a hidden and dark place where he remained since then.
The friend of the Clement said that the former asked him to fulfill a nameless bank cheque and urged him to bring it to him because the kidnappers urged him to pay one million Rwf to them for his freedom.
After finding out that our brother was kidnapped we communicated it to security forces who called the phone but the number was off afterwards, the friend of Muhire told UM– USEKE.
People who studied who studied with Mubano Clement at that the Seminary told UM– USEKE.RW that the guy was a cool guy, without any blame.
Clement Mubano who completed his studies in Pharmaceutical studies at the University of Rwanda was working to a Pharmacy shop at Kicukiro.
The kidnapping of the young person is uncommon in Rwanda and Police has started investigation about the kidnapping of this guy.