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Articles By This Author


Researchers Reveal How The Tsetse Fly Slurps On Your Blood

The tsetse fly is an annoying and sometimes deadly insect. After homing in on a victim, it lands on the skin and proceeds to feed


German election: Merkel wins fourth term, AfD nationalists rise

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been re-elected for a fourth term while nationalists have made a historic surge in federal elections. Her conservative CDU/CSU bloc


South Sudan refugees riot over food

South Sudanese refugees at Nyumanzi settlement camp on Saturday evening turned rowdy as they protested against food rationing. The refugee agencies had reportedly cut food


Can YOU pass the ‘wisdom test’?

Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is believed to have said the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. But a group of psychiatrists disagrees.


US expands travel ban to include N Korea

The United States has expanded its controversial travel ban to include people from North Korea, Venezuela and Chad. The White House said the restrictions follow


WASAC to face PAC as public hearings begin today

Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will today begin public hearings that will see heads of institutions, projects, districts and ministries appear for public hearings for

Science & Tech

Air pollution can lead to potentially-fatal kidney disease, new report shows

Kidney disease is the latest ailment linked to air pollution, a new study has found. The report from the American Society of Nephrology found that


Robert Mugabe at UN stands up to ‘Giant Gold Goliath’ Trump

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe did not mince words at the United Nations Thursday about Donald Trump, mocking the US president as the “Giant Gold Goliath.”


Swedish delegation commends the Rwanda Peace Academy for informing civilians on peace protection

Members of the Swedish Agency for Peace, security and Development-Folke Bernadette Academy commended the efforts delivered by the Rwandan Peace Academy staff in informing civilians


Kim says ‘deranged’ Trump shows need for nuclear programme

Kim Jong-un has said remarks by “deranged” US President Donald Trump have convinced him he is right to develop weapons for North Korea. In an