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Articles By This Author


Uganda: Police deployment around parliament

Members of Parliament have expressed concern over the deployment of military and regular policemen in the city centre and around the Parliament, the Monitor reports.


P.Kagame met the French President Emmanuel Macron

Both Heads of States met in New York ahead of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly scheduled to resume on Tuesday,19 September, 2017. They hold


Kagame: Broadband progress should serve as demonstration of possibilities

President Paul Kagame has said that gains and progress within broadband rollout ought to serve as a demonstration of what is possible in the sector.

Science & Tech

Researchers develop AI that can spot signs of Alzheimer’s a DECADE before human doctors

Doctors are working hard to detect Alzheimer’s disease sooner and sooner, but it looks like artificial intelligence has them beat. Researchers have developed an AI that


Children of divorce are more likely to be obese in later life

Children whose parents get divorced are more likely to be obese in later life, a new study warns. Psychologists at Florida State University investigated how unpredictable childhood experiences –


After Trump, NSA director backs away from joint US-Russian cyber unit proposal

The director of the United States National Security Agency appears to have backed away from a proposal to set up a joint American-Russian cyber security


Trump plea for unity on showdown healthcare vote

US President Donald Trump has issued a challenge to Republican senators to rally behind their healthcare bill, on the eve of a crucial vote. “Now


Two children sank in a pool and died

The deadly incident has happened in Nyanza district, Southern province when two children were swimming in a Hotel’ pool. Those children were students of the


UN commend Rwandan Police peacekeepers in Central Africa

The United Nations has commended the role by Rwandan Police peacekeepers serving under the UN Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) for their


Trump Tower to house Pentagon unit for $130G per month

Even for the U.S. military, the rent may be too damn high for a place to stay in New York City. The Pentagon is paying more