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Articles By This Author


North Korea defector who crossed DMZ ‘was shot five times’

A North Korean who defected at the heavily guarded Demilitarised Zone was shot at least five times and is in a critical condition, South Korea


Stage II is won by Simon Pellaud

The longest stage of the Tour du Rwanda(Nyanza-Rubavu) is won by Simon Pellaud. He therefore becomes the yellow jersey beholder taken from Rwandan Areruya Joseph.


Exercise could cut your risk of glaucoma by 73%, study finds

Exercise could reduce your risk of glaucoma, new research suggests. While we have known for years that the crippling eye disease is connected to blood


NASA’s ‘revolt’ plan causes jitters in Jubilee

NASA’s six-point political “revolution” strategy in its pursuit for electoral justice is causing jitters in the Jubilee administration. Opposition’s political rallies, boycott of some products,


Kaboneka proposes life sentence for ‘drug lords’

Local Government minister Francis Kaboneka has appealed to Parliament to introduce harsher prison sentence for repeat drug traffickers. Briefing members of the parliamentary Standing Committee


World Diabetes Day 2017:Women and diabetes – our right to a healthy future

The campaign will promote the importance of affordable and equitable access for all women at risk for or living with diabetes to the essential diabetes


The world’s first floating nation will appear in the Pacific Ocean by 2020

The world’s first floating nation is set to appear in the Pacific Ocean off the island of Tahiti in 2020. A handful of hotels, homes, offices,


USA ambassador Barks-Ruggles lauds Rwanda’s effort to eradicate HIV/AIDS

The USA ambassador to Rwanda has lauded Rwanda’s efforts to eradicate the HIV/AIDS and called upon all who underwent unprotected sexual intercourse to get tested as


Tour du Rwanda: The first phase is won by ARERUYA Joseph

The Rwandan rider Areruya Joseph won the first phase that led to Huye from Kigali. The route is 123 km long.  He is currently the


Rwandan Police peacekeepers in Juba join Umuganda in IDP camps

The Rwandan Police peacekeepers serving under the United Nation Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), on November 11, introduced communal activities best known as Umuganda, to