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Friday,2nd ,August,The BRD signed an agreement with FSA in the promotion of small and middle income projects in Rwanda.

Ready to help businesses grow.
Ready to help businesses grow.

The philosophy behind is to sustain growing businesses in their efforts to prosper.Alex Kanyankore, the Boss of BRD(Banque Rwandaise de Development) told journalists that this is another chance Rwandans have to get bank loa and invest in promising businesses.

The FSA(Fonds  de Solidarite  Africain) is another Fund for development that comes to help Rwandans grow financially as others like BDF were put into place.


According to Mr Kanyankore,this Fund is meant to help the businesses that face financial barriers as to investment and bank loan.

The Fund also helps beneficiaries to pay loan back in phases according to the financial fitness of the business.

To the other hand, Mr Pierre Yaovi SEDJRO the FSA chief  told the assembly that the FSA has been supporting development initiatives in Rwanda since long time ago as it helps Green Hills Academy and Manumex as growing businesses.

He said that BRD comes as the first Bank to sign agreement with but that in the upcoming time, other willing backs will be collaborating with FSA.

FSA is French based NGO that works together with French speaking countries in Africa. It started to do so in 1976.Currently the Fund has an operating capital of$ 6 M.


Partners in development
Partners in development
BRD Board Room
BRD Board Room.


Press Conference before signing
Press Conference before signing.


