Issues related to social conflicts hamper the economic development of the society. This is why the mediators from Bugesera district provided efforts to handle 937 cases among 1000 brought by the locals. The Abunzi are proud of these achievement are still committed to spearhead their efforts and resolve more than that.
The mediators gathered with different representatives of local administration bodies, civil society organs and female journalists umbrella ARFEM about the role to be played by all concerned bodies in mediating citizens.
Discussions focused on mobilizing locals about the usefulness of presenting their cases to Abunzi so that the mediation may be brought upon by them and for the best interest of all.
Anastase Barinda who represented the Minister of justice told the gathering that mediating neighbors was part and parcel of Rwandan culture therefore this should be sustained in the modern and different Rwanda.
For him, such cases should not be brought to secular justice bodies while they can be handled locally and for the common interest.
However, Abunzi (mediators) said that they endure different challenges related to the lack of adequate financial means to effectively fulfill their tasks.
For them, more time should be provided as to carefully assess all the cases before taking definite decisions.