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Why MANGO really is a ‘superfood

Dieters have long sworn that grapefruit and  even pineapple can magically help people lose weight. Now scientists have added another fruit to the mix, claiming


Soaring number of boys are being born with genital disorders

For decades, male sperm counts have been plummeting. Now, doctors are warning increasing numbers of boys are being born with genital disorders. Many boys’ testicles


No one believes we’re identical twins!!

As babies, Adam and Neil Pearson looked so similar that their mother often mixed them up. Now, they look so different it is hard to


Minister of agriculture urges Rwandans to feed children with more milk

The Rwandan minister of agriculture and animal resources Dr Geraldine Mukeshimana keenlyurges Rwandan parents to increase the milk feeds to their children as to allow


University of Hambourg and UR CoM partner in forensic medicine research and practice

As the forensic medicine summer school is taking place in Rwanda for its firth session, authorities from the University of Hambourg, Germany, and the University


Map reveals average penis sizes from around the world and AFRICA is the big winner

Nervous men need to wait no longer to see how they measure up against their rivals. An interactive graphic has been published which compares erect


Low-fat diets and exercise are pointless and misleading. Just Eat Less

Low-fat diets and exercise will not help the obese to lose weight – only eating less will, a leading expert has claimed. Lord Ian McColl


Why eating MEAT and fish for breakfast will help you to stay in shape

If you think a healthy breakfast of poached eggs or fruit is the best way to keep trim, then think again.  Meat is the unlikely

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Biofortified Beans Reduce Iron Deficiency in Rwandan Women

A new study published in The Journal of Nutrition has found that daily consumption of meals with beans conventionally bred to be richer in iron


The five key symptoms of stress – and EXACTLY how to fix them

It is an increasingly common part of everyday life for millions. Stress is becoming more and more prevalent as we face one of the most challenging