Categories: RWANDA

Gicumbi: Two persons lost lives in a cars clash

This deadly accident happened last night in Gicumbi District, West Province where two cars Toyota Coaster and Daihatsu collided, killing two people: one man and a woman. The man called Isidore Habumugisha died at place while the woman named Betty Kayitesi lost her life while rescuers tried to take her to hospital.

The accident was terrifying and deadly: It took two people lives and seriously injured other eleven ones

Police said that the cause of the accident was due to the fact that the driver of the Daihatsu who crossed his path, hitting the side where the Toyata Coaster was coming from.

The Coaster RAB 635K was driven by Antoine Nkusi who headed towards Gicumbi. The Daihatsu RAA 871T was driven by Alex Bagambiki was heading towards Kigali city.

Apart from the dead, eleven people went seriously injured. The RNP spokesperson Spt JMV Ndushabandi told Umuseke that the woman who died succumbed due to severe blood loss.

The names of the dead are Isidore Habumugisha and Betty Kayitesi.

Spt Ndushabandi said that the wounded were taken to hospital to undergo medical treatment at Byumba Hospital, Gicumbi district.

Rwanda National Police urge drivers to increase their alertness and attention as they drive so to avoid such harmful and deadly accidents.



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