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A Turkish based company called Hakan Madencilik Ve Elektrik Uretim Santic AS has been allowed to produce additional electric power equal of 80 megawatts from a power plant transforming the peat into electric power. According to the schedule, these megawatts will be made available not later than 2020.

Min Musoni James and Ahmet Karasoy
Min Musoni James and Ahmet Karasoy

The activities will be carried out in Gisagara district, Akanyaru swamp.  According to the officials, Rwandan government plans to produce 15 megawatts from the peat  that is discovered in the Rusizi swamp and its production will be effective on August this year.

The Rwandan government plans to be having 563 MW in 2018 and this will allow 70% of Rwandan households to use electric power at a daily basis.

The current production is estimated at 185 MW alone. Ahmet Karasoy who heads the Turkish company to carry out the exploitation told media that their investment in Rwanda was motivated by its security and its  friendly business environment.

Rwandan minister in charge of infrastructures expressed that Rwanda has defined its policies related to infrastructures development  and the increase of electricity as a drive towards industrial prosperity.

He revealed that the Rwandan governement does not have shares in the investiment, adding that the Turkish investors will be able to materialize the project effectively.

Min Musoni warned that in case the investors don’t manage to honor their promises, the Rwandan government will be in position to take punitive measures against them.

The construction work of the whole project will take 47 months but its production will be effective on March 2020.

Turkish investors during the signing ceremony
Turkish investors during the signing ceremony
Ahmet Karasov signing
Secretary of state in the Ministry of infrastructures Ms Kamayiresi, Min Musoni and Ahmet Karasoy
Turkish delegation explaining their aims to the Ministry of Infrastructures Musoni James


