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30 Mata 2014 –During a commemoration event that took place at INILAK , Dr Jean Ngamije inaugurated a monument which was set up with the aim of letting the international community know that the Genocide has happened and should never happen again.

The Monument inaugurated at INILAK
The Monument inaugurated at INILAK

Before inaugurating the monument, the INILAK staff, students and visitors were at Nyanza Memorial site to give tribute the Tutsis killed in the 1994 genocide.

After the walk to remember, the event proceeded at INILAK main campus where the monument was inaugurated by the university authorities.

The Rector of the University Dr Jean Ngamije told UM– USEKE that this monument was built in order to let the current INILAK community and the coming ones to know that the genocide happened and should never happened again.

For him all categories of Rwandan social bases were destabilized by the genocide and should join efforts to handle its consequences.

The Monument is over 2 meters tall and is worthy 3 million Rwandan francs. In its middle part, there is a glace upon which ‘The Never Again’ scripture is written.



