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The Ministry of Youth and Information Communication and Technology visited the ISPG family to exchange ideas on how the Ndi Umunyarwanda program can be fostered with their participation. The youth of the Institut  Superieur Pedagogique de Gitwe swore to promote the Ndi Umunyarwanda as the only way to build a strong and prosperous nation free of any ethnic discrimination.

Students were eager to learn more
Students were eager to learn more

The Permanent Secretary  in MYICT, Madame  Rosemary Mbabazi reminded the ISPG family that feeling Rwandan is better than feeling ethnic based or otherwise.

We want to build a nation free of any ethnic discrimination or of any other  type of divisive trends, she said.

Mme-Rosemary urged the youth to cherish the Rwandanhood (being Rwandan and feel proud of it)
Mme-Rosemary urged the youth to cherish the Rwandanhood (being Rwandan and feel proud of it)

She underlined that former ethnic or regional based education is no longer up-to date, thus encouraging youth to keep promoting Rwandan brotherhood that includes everyone.

The youth  swore to the President of the Republic  via Madame  Mbabazi Rosemary that they are committed to fulyl contribute  to popular  awareness of the Ndi Umunyarwanda program across  the nation and be active to make this program fruitful.

For them, their contribution to this will help Rwanda to be a nation full of  peace, prosperity, unity and reconciliation.

Munyana Raphael the Dean of Students said ISPG students are committed to promote the Ndi Umnyarwanda
Munyana Raphael the Dean of Students said ISPG students are committed to promote the Ndi Umunyarwanda

The ISPG academic staff backed the youth in saying  that promoting effective education will be the main tool to make the Ndi Umunyarwanda fruitful and lasting through educating a young Rwandan free of negative and discriminatory philosophy.

Dr. Rugengande Jered The Rector of the ISPG Gitwe
Dr. Rugengande Jered The Rector of the ISPG Gitwe

Dr Rugengande Jered ,the ISPG rector promised that the advises provided to them will always be in their hearts and never deteriorate.

He said that the institution he leads will always make the Ndi Umunyarwanda program the milestone of the school’s educational philosophy

Munyanshoza Dieudonne entertained the crowd
Munyanshoza Dieudonne entertained the crowd

Musician Munyanshoza Dieudonne entertained the crowd with his up-building songs on patriotism and brotherhood.

