During an official launch of a countrywide program to prevent young girls from involving themselves into the premature sexual intercourse susceptible of causing them having early pregnancies, The PS in the MINEDUC, Dr Hareramungu Mathias focused on the role of Maseenge Program ( Maseenge means My Aunt) which will inform them about early pregnancies prevention.
The program was launched in Rwamagana, Eastern Province by the Mineduc and the Mijeprof being government bodies in charge of education, mental and social well being of young Rwandans.
The Mineduc has set up this program as a means of sensitizing the youth about the potential temptations they can face and that can bring them into early pregnancies.
This new program will help girls acquire necessary information about the functioning of their genital organs.
The program will also equip the youth with insightful good manners to protest against immoral people willing to bring them into harmful sexual intercourse.
Throughout the implementation of this program, mature mothers and fathers will be visiting neighboring secondary schools and hold open discussions with students on sexual education issues.
Topics relating to the sexuality will be discussed with necessary mechanisms to be taken as to prevent early and unnecessary pregnancies.
Minister Oda Gasinzigwa of Mijeprof said that the Ministry has set up this program in order to reduce the number of girls who involve into sexual immorality as to, consequently, prevent them from becoming pre-mature mothers.
Minister Oda Gasinzigwa said that it becomes hard for adolescent mothers to continue schooling and blamed parents who don’t discuss with their adolescents about sexuality.
This program has been labeled ” I am a visionary teenager who cherishes educational and school. I say ‘No’ to early pregnancies”