Categories: RWANDA

MINEAC urges farmers to invest in the EAC’s expended market

This Tuesday, the Ministry of East African Affairs, MINEAC held a meeting with local farmers to encourage them to invest in the wide human and financial environment so to increase the outcomes.

The Permanent Secretary in the MINEAC

Different participants from public and private farming bodies attended the meeting to exchange insights on how to benefit from the available investment opportunities especially in areas relating to agriculture in EAC.

The Permanent Secretary in the MINIEAC, Safari Innocent the workshop was organized with the aim of equipping its stakeholders with needed information about the available investment areas in the region.

He lauded the fact that the local farmers understood the importance of being embodied into cooperatives as to be more productive.

Safari said that during the signature of the Charter of the EAC, more focus has been put in matters relating to agriculture and food security in the region.

Mudenderi Sylevere

The representative of the Umbrella of Rwandan farmers Mudenderi Sylevere reminded his fellow  that the importance of exploiting the wider market of the EAC.

We have a large land and a wider market, two components to motivate us in being innovative and productive, said Mudenderi.

Mudenderi commended the governments of the EAC to have created conducive environment for a productive farming through easing the circulation among the member states.

The EAC comprises five nations that have 140 millions of citizens, respectively. Rwanda adhered to the Community in 2007.



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