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 News coming from administrative bodies of Nyamagabe district inform that a man called Augustin beheaded his wife using a machete. The incident is said to have happened yesterday in Mushubi sector, Cyobe cell, in Gaseke neighborhood. The dead body was found in a shop that was under the responsibility of someone else.

Nyamagabe District
Nyamagabe District

The Executive Secretary of the Mushubi sector told Umuseke that Augustin is suspected to have committed the crime  due to the quarrels that have happened earlier due to the adultery related cases between the spouses.

Both Augustin and neighbors who were performing night patrols during the time where the  crime was committed  are under arrest and hosted at the Mushubi sector’ Police station, as the investigation continues to find out more about it.

The family had three children who will be facing challenges related to this deadly incident.

The Mushubi District where the incident is said to have taken place
The Mushubi District where the incident is said to have taken place