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African Software Developers:The Big Customer is the Governement

For the past four years I have seen too many African Tech Entrepreneurs struggling to make a living out their products(Software mostly) and most of


Education for all helped 4000 PLWDs to get educated.

Yesterday The Handicap International reported to journalists that through its project of helping children with disabilities to get educated, it  realized to help 4000 children


Police urges public to vacate ‘high risk zones’

The Rwanda National Police has called upon families living in areas demarcated as ‘high risk zones’ to relocate to the new sites allocated by districts


A correlation among the dominant hand, dominant foot and dominant eye

Preference for one hand or foot over the other, known as laterality, has been studied in humans chiefly as it relates to language development. Most people


Rwanda hopes to get $157m from coffee

The government is gearing up towards making $157 million by 2017 from coffee exports by first advising farmers, processors and exporters to form an umbrella


Loneliness can kill

Loneliness is often ignored but it can have adverse effects on one’s health. Conditions such as sleep dysfunction, psychological distress, depression, anxiety and high blood


Heavy rains destroyed people’s houses

Yesterday evening,  heavy rains have destroyed people’s houses especially in Kimihurura area called Kosovo. The disaster killed three children in Kinyinya and a girl despaired


The Youth African Summit Is Now In Rwanda

Through the ministry of education, the Rwanda National Students Forum is  hosting the African summit with the Self Reliance for Africa as the theme. The


S.Sudan opposition leader denies coup attempt

South Sudan’s wanted opposition leader Riek Machar on Wednesday denied government accusations he tried to stage a coup, saying the president was using the claim


EAC considers alternative funding for its operations

The East African Community (EAC) is considering new funding options for its operations. It has proposed to partner states the reduction of one per cent