The story ranked among the most narrated ones in local media last Week- end until recently.In Rubavu District last Friday,a woman gave birth to a beast.Many wonder how this can happen.Rwanda National Police denies the truthfulness of event that a real woman can give birth to an animal that looks like a dog or a goat,apparently.Medical staff also confirm that this cannot materialize.
Dr Kanyankore William from Gisenyi Hospital told that it is quite impossible for a woman to give birth to an animal of whichever size or nature .He wonders why the lady did not come to Hospital to search for assistance.It also unthinkable that a woman in her late adulthood(40 years old) can get pregnant and gave birth to such a beast.
Mushimiyimana,the woman herself,believes that she has been poisoned by a local witch with whom she quarreled in the past.That witch told her that soon or later she will give birth to a beast ;as she told reporters.
Dr Kanyankore explains that in some unusual circumstances ,women can give birth to newborns that look like animal resulting to abnormal genetic formations.Despite this, he adds, babies never resemble to animal in a significant way.
“The beast smelled like a dead goat and I, as a medical doctor ,believe it is impossible to give birth to an animal regardless of ways through which the woman has been fertilized.It is scientifically unbelievable “Dr Kanyankore underlined.
Doctor Kanyankore to add:”We wish Police makes further investigation on the event itself so to let people know the truth about the story.But be sure this cannot happen.We ,medical care experts ,know it”.
Local Police Station started investigating on the issue,suspecting the woman to have given birth to a real human baby but hide him/her for unknown reasons and in unknown place.
Maisha Patrick