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Those freshly  graduates from various universities have undertaken cooking lessons to enable them earn money through business set ups. The concerned ones are university A0 level holders but have been enduring employments for a given period since the graduation.

They decided to undertake cooking lessons even though they are university graduates
They decided to undertake cooking lessons even though they are university graduates

Lessons are being delivered in Mpanda Vocational Training Center after which they will be handed with a package of five million Rwf for business start up capital.

The ones undertaking lessons reveal that this opportunity will enable them to acquire needed knowledge for setting up businesses in cooking area and in the touristic business at large.

For them, one’s education is not a means of success in itself but a way to enhance it for further endeavors.

They are hopeful that the future will brighter than the past through the implementation of their acquired knowledge as one the students named Niyigena Félicitée uttered.

The manager of the Mpanda Vocational  Training Center Ndangamira Gilbert said this initiative will featuring various students as to allow them acquire skills for self development.

All of them were unemployed but are currently learning on how they can earn money through business set-ups
All of them were unemployed but are currently learning on how they can earn money through business set-ups
They are 38 learners featuring men and women

