Ruhango: PAC visits local people to hear from their concerns

The Public Accounts Commission has visited the Ruhango dwellers to hear their concerns. The most serious concerns people reported to the PAC is related to the fact that EWSA, didn’t pay them the expropriation fees for the land where EWSA has built its electric facilities. Ten years later citizens are still waiting to get paid.

The local people came to report their concerns The local people came to report their concerns
The local people came to report their concerns

The Parliamentary commission headed by Hon Karenzi Théoneste discussed with the Ruhango district officials as to learn on what has been done to resolve the people’s concerns.

The core origin of the issue between EWSA and local people resides in the fact that the people’s properties have been destroyed in 2004 when electric and water facilities were made available to Kinazi and Ruhango dwellers.

At that time, people’s properties spoiled included fields, forests and banana plantations. All the spoiled properties are worthy 8 million Rwf.

The local people were hopeful that EWSA was soon pay them but their hope became baseless as the time passed.

The PAC visited the EWSA headquarters in Ruhango where it chatted with local people who explained to the PAC their concerns.

One of the local people who faced the challenge Ngabonziza Silas told the PAC that concerned people endured serious loss caused by the activities of EWSA which did not compensate them afterwards.

For his side, Rwayitare Vincent said that he, and fellow ones have spent more money to Kigali to report their concerns to EWSA national headquarters but the case was not handled at all.

The local people wrote letters to different administrative entities to communicate their concerns but nothing has been done on their behalf.

Vice-President  of the PAC Hon. Karenzi Théoneste  urged EWSA and Ruhango officials  to handle the problem as quick as possible.

The PAC becomes concerned with the situation and will strive to make this problem resolved, Hon Karenzi said. The concerned people are sixty and are from Kinazi and Ruhango sectors.

The financial package that EWSA owns to Ruhango people is worthy 8.299.625 Rwf. The concerned residents have told the PAC that they have spent more money in searching for the solutions and get paid.

The EWSA official explaining to PAC how it is handling the problem
Everyone wanted to report about his/her concerns
Rwayitare Vincent reporting his concerns to PAC
This elderly wife is searching 17.500 since 10 years



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