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Yesterday, in Rusosoro Sector, Gasagara cell in  Gasabo District, Kigali city, heavy rain and winds  has destroyed nine houses and three ones were seriously damaged, leaving  many people shelter less.

Roofs of the houses were completely destroyed
Roofs of the houses were completely destroyed

However, neighbors intervened and helped the ones whose houses were destroyed to innovate their spoiled buildings.

The ones whose houses were seriously injured, are currently accommodated by neighbors.

The Executive secretary of the Gisagara cell Muheto Jean Claude said that there is an on-going advocacy for the ones the ones who lost their properties as to help them acquire newly rehabilitated houses.

The wind was powerful enough to destroy the whole house
The wind was powerful enough to destroy the whole house
Some of the shelter less people are  currently hosted  by their neighbors
Some of the shelter less people are currently hosted by their neighbors
Neighors started to rehabilitate the houses that were destroyed by during the Umuganda
Neighbors started the Umuganda Community work  to rehabilitate the houses that were destroyed 

