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In her official visit in Angola, Madame Mushikiwabo Louise, The Minister of Foreign Affairs, was warmly welcomed. Among topics  discussed include trade development in different areas such as air transportation. Other important issues relate to security.

Minister Louise Mushikiwabo with Mr Georges Rebelo Chikoti

Louise Mushikiwabo told journalists that ‘the visit aimed at strengthening ties between both countries and comes in before H.E Paul Kagame undertakes an official visit in Angola few days ahead’.

Minister told Angolan journalists that Rwanda wishes to increase partnership with Angola in the finding of solutions relating to insecurity in the region at large. She also revealed that issues relaing to trade,transportation of good via air planes  are at the agenda to discuss between both nations.

Angolan Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Georges Chikoti Rebelo underlined that Angola welcomes everyone wishing to develop parternship with it. He promised Angola will keep on nurturing positive relationships with Rwanda.

At the agenda of the Minister Louise Mushikiwabo, she plans to vist the Angolan MilitaryMuseum  before she ends her visit according to

Vénuste Kamanzi

