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Even though Kigali  city is widely known for its cleanliness, there is another side of the story whereby some of its dwellers have chosen to throw garbage packs over their houses’ roofs. This behavior  seems to be rooted in the denial to pay the garbage collectors who charge a financial amount according to the weight and the matter composing the garbage.

Here are some  photos that highlight our story:

The roofs have been transformed in garbage
The roofs have been transformed in garbage
The roof of the small house located in between the other two bigger ones has been transformed into garbage
The roof of the small house located in between the other two bigger ones has been transformed into garbage
The situation likely results from ignorance rather than the lack of financial means
The situation likely results from ignorance rather than the lack of financial means
The garbage comprises a variety of household items
The garbage comprises a variety of household items
The prey birds fly over these houses in a search of a food to consume
The prey birds fly over these houses in a search of a food to consume
Watching whether they can find something eatable over there
Watching whether they can find something eatable over there

