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Police issue new anti-terror rules

Police have issued new guidelines for passengers aboard buses entering Uganda at all border points in the wake of terrorist attacks in Kenya. Likewise, there


DR Congo rape trial: Many soldiers cleared, two guilty

A mass trial of 39 soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo has ended with two convicted of rape and 13 others cleared. The remaining


Kizito Mihigo and co-accused in jail for 30 days

The court basing its decisions on the 96 and 97 articles of the law governing  the juridical process of crimes and basing its decisions  on


Defender of Kizito asks the court to release him

As the court hearing  about the case of singer Kizito and his-accused continues  in Kibagabaga, the Kizito defenders urged the court to release him because


Kizito in the court pleads guilty for charges

 April,24,  the Singer Kizito Mihigo accepts his guiltiness in the court but his collegues accept some of the charges, denying others. In the Kacyiru court,