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Kigali being the city of technology and innovation has invested in its infrastructures to boost its  trade and communication. The Ministry of infrastructures is committed to build new routes and other infrastructures susceptible of easing communication and achieve the development Rwanda aims at.

  1. Masaka-Kabuga
The city is made of clean roads
The city is made of clean roads
This new road helped residents a lot in communicating with neighbors
This new road helped residents a lot in communicating with neighbors
The view from remote area thrills people's sights
The view from remote area thrills people’s sights
Cleaners at work
Cleaners at work
This area is where the streets separate, one goes to Rwamagana and another goes to Kabuga



2. Nyarugunga-Kanombe-Remera

This road leads to the Nyarugunga and it is linked to the one leading to Rwamagana
This road leads to the Nyarugunga and it is linked to the one leading to Rwamagana
Before it was hard to be used due to the dust that damaged people's noises
Before it was hard to be used due to the dust that damaged people’s noises
It leads to the Kigali international airport

3. Masoro roads

This road is located in Masoro area
This road is located in Masoro area
The over view of the same road
The over view of the same road

4. Nyarugunga-Rwahama(Remera)

This is one of the connecting roads between Giporoso and Masoro
This is one of the connecting roads between Giporoso and Masoro
The up view shows the Kigali International airport
Kimironko towards Giporoso

5. Kabeza-Kicukiro

Here is the taxi park where passengers embark . It is in Rubiziri, Kabeza
Here is the taxi park where passengers embark . It is in Rubiziri, Kabeza
This road was inaugurated recently by officials
This road helps drivers to avoid traffic jams usually found at Remera Giporoso

6. Niboye-Kicukiro Centre

This is nearby the High School labeled Don Bosco
This is nearby the High School labeled Don Bosco
Here is the left side of the IPRC-Kigali, Kicukiro area


Childern enjoy walking to school in clean streets
Childern enjoy walking to school in clean streets
The road towards RDB
The road towards RDB
Locals say the dust is no longer endangering their lungs
This is a beautiful overview of this road
One can arrive at Sonatubes via this road

8. Nyarutarama-Kibagabaga

This road has its wing towards Nyarutarama
This road has its wing towards Nyarutarama
The view shows how clean and amazing this road looks like
The view shows how clean and amazing this road looks like
Students coming from school
Students coming from school


9. Nyarutarama-Kacyiru

This road leads at Golf Club, Nyarutarama
This road leads at Golf Club, Nyarutarama
Locals live in comfortable homes
Locals live in comfortable homes
The eye sight is thrilling
The eye sight is thrilling






10. Kacyiru-Gacuriro

The street is near the Kacyiru tax park
The street is near the Kacyiru tax park
Locals use cars as a means of transport
Locals use cars as a means of transport

11. The New  street of Gacuriro

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13. Roads of the former Kiyovu cy’Abakene(Kiyovu of the poor)

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14. Roads located in  Nyamirambo

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14.Nyamirambo-Rwarutabura roads

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15. Roads of Gishushu-Sonatubes

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1 Comment

  • Bene, June 6, 2016 @ 1:36 am

    Umuseke we, muli intore, sinabona ikindi navuga. Umuntu wafashe aya mafoto, afite sens de l”esthétique. Uretse ko Kigali isigaye nayo ihebuuje, aliko naaka na karusho.

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