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During the Commemoration event that took place yesterday at the Headquarters of the National commission of human rights, Nirere Madeleine, The chief of the commission said that if the human rights were respected, the  genocide against the Tutsi could not happen.

Nirere Madeleine
Nirere Madeleine

For her, every human being has immunity that protects him/her form being mistreated by fellow ones with whom he/she shares the rights.

The right to life is the most fundamental one, she said. She urged Rwanda to respect their lives as well as the lives of others.

Commemorating means a deep thinking and reflecting on one’s past so to get insights on how to improve one’s present and future  as well, she said.

The National Commission for Human Rights has been proposed by the Arusha Agreement between the former Habyalimana regime and the  RPF-Inkotanyi to be set up in the political bodies but it did not happen due to the war and the genocide that followed afterwards .

The core  subjects of the agreement were to ensure that the citizens have equal opportunities to enjoy  human rights and to teach the population about their human rights.

During the Genocide, some of the  human rights in the agreement were not respected thus  to cause the 1994 genocide against the innocent Tutsis.

