Gakire uttered this during a live show at the Isango Star show on self regulation document issued this Tuesday. Rwandan journalists aimed at setting up an economically and technically strong body that regulates the profession and minimize the intervention of the Government into journalism profession.
Kabagambe Ignasius, from RGB, thanked the outgoing committee on its accomplishments, among which the planning for the current committee .
Ayanone Solange,journalist,asked Kabagambe about the claims according which government is remarkably involving itself into the operations of journalists.
For Kabagambe,RGB has the duty to back journalists in their efforts to achieve their objectives as an organ that serves Rwandans’ interests.
“Government does not dictate journalists rather responds to wishes of journalist to build a strong body.they tell us what challenge needs more support and we help’ Kabagambe continues
Asked about the implementation process of the recent decisions taken on Tuesday,Gakire underlined that some issues will be studied and made understood to all journalists progressively.
The issue of financial self reliance for the new Self regulation Body of Journalists to work properly and independently is the most controversial one.
Ayanone wanted to know whether the RGB cannot use its financial support to the organ in order to influence it.
Kabagambe responded that whatever the government will do in as far journalist self regulation is concerned will be done in close corroboration with the authorities of the journalists authorities in the interests of all Rwandans.
Gakire at the other hand said that the self regulation as a new policy will require new ideas to help it be more sustainable.
He said that after that Solange criticized him on bringing new proposals about the decisions taken in the Tuesday’s general assembly.
Gakire said that for the payment to be fair and heartfelt, it has to be done willingly after that every journalist understands the usefulness of the process, an idea that Kabagambe criticizes as asking how this can happen if payment is a personal will. For him the financial sustainability of the body cannot materialize.
Another issue that interested throughout the show was the structure of the newly elected body. Gakire said that a different departments are to be set up depending to the needs of the Journalists Organisation.
For Gakire this is will provide a good structural organisation for the attainment of the Body’s objectives.
One of the listeners backed Mr Gakire about the fact that more ideas are needed to build a string and a list media self regulation body that can sustain itself without a close influence of the government.
For Mr Kabagambe close partnership with the government does not mean influence rather a mutual helpfulness as to build effective journalism to serve Rwandans.
Asked whether the Body will work as an independent one,Gakire responded to Ayanone that this is one of the key elements in the agenda to ensure that it is achieved.
“We strive to achieve it as long as we will be building strong institution” said Mr Gakire.
This show intended to explain to the public what are the new guidelines undertaken by the new media self regulatory body.It also assessed the role the government has played to sustain the interim committee to play its role and what it intends to keep o doing.
Gakire concluded that for journalists to be financially independent,journalists do need the government financial gift rather a full understanding by the journalists about the usefulness of the body can be a positive tool to achieve it.
For Kabagambe ,government of Rwanda will always provide every support necessary to journalists for the betterment and progress of their profession.
This show takes place every Sunday morning from 9h00-10h00 AM, broadcast by Isango star and Inkoramutima radio stations. All willing radio stations are warmly welcomed to collaborate in the broadcasting of the show.
The show intends at strengthening debating spirit and open discussion about interesting issues that concern Rwanda and at the international scene.
The show is sponsored by European Union.